Submission Guidelines

Angel City Press Submission Guidelines

Before you submit a proposal to Angel City Press, please take the time to look through a few of the books we have already published; they provide by far the best illustration of the material we are interested in publishing.

We do not publish children's books, how-to-books or most poetry -- if your idea fits those categories, another publisher would be much more appropriate for your work.

That said, we are interested in proposals for books with a strong historical/nostalgic angle, with appeal in both the general book and specialty/gift markets and preferably aimed at two niche markets (for example, Hollywood and food, the West and American folklore, Southern California and people's cast-off Kodachrome slides). Book content should be at least 60% photographic.


Submit proposals to


Your proposal should include the following:

  • Proposed book title and a brief summary of its content
  • Proposed length of manuscript and quantity of illustrations, photos, etc.
  • Suggested table of contents
  • Introduction, a sample chapter and copies of selected artwork from the proposed book (do NOT send originals!)
  • A description of the audience for the book and examples of how you believe it should be promoted
  • Titles of other books to which your proposed book may be similar, and how your book would be unique in the marketplace
  • Author biography

It is perfectly okay to send a query letter in advance of a proposal. Better, in fact.

In general:

  • ACP authors agree to provide all photographs/illustrations and full rights for their use
  • ACP pays author royalties of 10% of net revenues from book sales, with payment timing based on receipt of funds
  • ACP will respond to your proposal within two months
  • Please do not send a completed manuscript, especially in lieu of a proposal
  • Please do not email to inquire about the status of your proposal; we will respond as soon as we are able.